Facebook Basics #4

Monitoring Your Page

Now that you have your Facebook page set upmanaged and you’ve been adding content on a regular basis, it’s time to look at how to monitor your page to make sure it’s been successful in reaching your target audience. In this post you will learn how to use Facebook Insights to monitor your page as well as learn how to get more followers for your page.


To access Insights for your Facebook page make sure your admin panel is set to show and click “See All” under the Insights section.

Likes – Click on the tab “Likes”. From the chart on the bottom of this page you will be able to see new likes and unlikes.

New Likes – How many new likes your page has gotten. It sometimes helps to take an average. You will most likely have the most new likes the first month you launch your page. For the months after take an average of the amount of likes your page is getting, ask yourself how you can increase that number.

For the month of February, we had 18 new likes. Since our page is only 2 months old we will need to wait until the end of March to compare numbers. Our page was launched in January, so we had the most new during that time.

Unlikes – Every page will have unlikes from time to time, the important thing to watch for is spikes in the unlike numbers. If you see a large amount of unlikes in a period of time it is important to ask yourself why people are leaving your page.

For the month of February we had 3 unlikes. This is pretty normal so we don’t have a reason to assess.

Demographics – At the top of the page you will see a blue line chart. This chart is useful to look at who likes your page, find our their gender, age and where they are from.

Reach – Click on the tab “Reach”. Reach tells you how much of your content is reaching your followers.

If you scroll to the middle you will see a chart that breaks down what types of impressions everyone is seeing: Organic, Viral and Paid.

Organic impressions come from people seeing your content in their Newsfeed. This is the most common way you will reach followers.

Viral impressions are created when someone engages with your page, such as commenting, liking and sharing your post, writing on your wall, etc.

Paid impressions show you how your paid ads are drawing people into your page. Since we don’t purchase any you’ll see in the graphic that it sits at 0.

Now that you know who is viewing your page you can now begin to generate new followers for your page.

Liking other Organization’s Facebook Pages  

A great way to spread the word about your organization’s Facebook page is by liking other similar Facebook pages. You can do this by choosing from the Edit Page drop down menu “Use Facebook as ‘Your Organization’s Name’”.

Then use the search box at the top of the page to search for similar Facebook pages. 

Then simply like their Facebook page… it’s as easy as that! Another great thing about liking other pages is that it keeps you informed because their posts will appear in your news feed.

Other ways to get more likes:

  • Update your page frequently, at least every few days. Followers will watch for your content and inform others of your content as well.
  • Encourage people to post questions, comments and photos on your page. This keeps people engaged and interested in your page and what you have to say.
  • Respond quickly. If someone asks a question be sure to respond quickly, this shows your followers that you want to help them and in turn they might want to help you by recommending new followers to your page.
  • Add Facebook to other channels. If you have a website or a blog be sure to add a link to your Facebook page. Other options are adding a link to your newsletter and/or email signature.
  • Host a contest on your page or offer discounts and coupons for new likes to your page. This gives new followers an incentive to like you page, when they might not have before.

Well, that is it for our Facebook Basic Series! I hope you all enjoyed learning a little bit more about Facebook and what you can do with it. If you have any ideas on other social media tools you would like to know more about please let us know in the comments section below!

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Wednesday, December 11
12:00pm CST
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