Staff Profile: Brenda Herman

“She’d better not ever leave,” Brenda Herman once said of a former MAS financial manager. “There’s no way I could do that job.”

But soon afterward, Brenda was doing that job – and she’s been doing it ever since.

Brenda started with MAS in 1986. In that time, she’s had a wide variety of jobs and titles, from file clerk to co-manager, and she knows the organization inside out. As Director of Finance, she’s responsible for the financial and office management of the organization.

She doesn’t get out to see MAS’s members very often, but has gotten to know quite a few of them over the years. She thoroughly enjoys catching up with them at the annual conference and AGM.

“The best part,” she says, “is hearing about all the great things they’re doing around the province, and seeing first hand how passionate they are when talking about their museums and communities.”

Brenda is married and has three grown kids.  She lives on the family farm north of Regina.  She enjoys spending time outdoors, whether it’s in the garden, on her big annual family fishing trip, or on a trip someplace warm in the winter.

Ask Brenda about her plans for the future, and she’ll tell you she still loves her job, and is very happy to be doing what she’s doing at MAS.

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