How Do You Want to Celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Confederation?

Shelly Glover, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, conducted consultations in Gatineau to seek young Canadians’ views on how they would like to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Confederation. All Canadians, including young Canadians, are invited to have their say by completing an online questionnaire at The youth who were invited represent a range of different communities, backgrounds, and interests that are important to young Canadians.

Quick Facts

  • The Government of Canada is holding roundtables this winter with individuals who are active in their communities and represent a wide range of organizations or groups from across the country.
  • Both the roundtable participants and Canadians who complete the online questionnaire will be asked five key questions.
  • The data collected will provide insight into the types of activities and projects that resonate most with Canadians and will help us plan the celebrations.
  • Over the next three years, as we approach the anniversary, we will celebrate key historic milestones that have defined our country.

“I am very pleased by the ideas that I have heard today and the show of interest demonstrated by these young Canadians. They are an example for us all. As we shape plans for Canada’s 150th anniversary, I encourage young Canadians to let our Government know how they want to celebrate Canada’s history, values, and traditions.”
—Shelly Glover, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages

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