The Fort Pelly-Livingstone Museum kicked off Culture Days this weekend with a parade! Soup and sandwiches were served at the Community Centre. The Korean contingent and Ukrainians were supported by the Kim family and Victoria Makahoniuk. The Johnsons were there, showing off their fret saw woodwork and Nordic Hardanger. Talks were given on each of the cultures and a bit of dancing. It was great to get to know our newcomers and already present cultures in our community. It will lead to better understanding of each other. Thank you to all who participated!!
On Sunday, October 2, there was a church service in the Anglican Church at 2pm and we had three different faiths come to speak. Songs by Franke Kim accompanied by his father from Korea was a highlight. Our attendance has tripled since last year. Numbers are low in a small community, but we are very happy to give back to our population.
We are also holding a Fall Supper on November 6 at the community hall. It will be a roast beef supper this time. Please come out and join us!
As you may know, we lost our museum to a fire in June of 2015. Since then, we have been working diligently to raise fids for a future museum. This past summer, late august, we were fortunate to purchase the old RCMP barracks in Pelly. It is in need of repairs to get it up to today’s standards. Repairing the leaky roof, new windows, finish and repair as well as replace some electrical, remediation of the mold in the basement, some plumbing and heating, and replace the soffits and fascia, are just a few of the jobs that are needed to be done before we open up to taking new artifacts and start renovating the interior of the building.
The Station House has just been connected with electricity for one plug early this summer, but unfortunately we were unable to bake bread this year. The Station House is also in need of repairs since the fire; new shingles, scraping the old paint off where it has bubbled by the fire, and then repaint. Our clay oven also needs a new roof! So as you can see, we have our hands full, but our hearts are full of hope!
We have many great plans for our museum, so please come out and support your local museum.
We want to involve the education community in innovative and interactive educational displays and programs that will assist in the works and words of our mission statement to explore our past, illuminate our present, and imagine our future.