MAS Mini-Conference 2015 a success!

I want to thank everyone who attended the MAS Mini-Conference for making it such a success.  We literally had to turn people away this year as we’d hit the limit Government House – our wonderful host, could accommodate! I can’t actually remember this ever happening before.

I’d like to offer special thanks to the Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport, Mark Docherty and Deputy Mayor Bob Hawkins who joined us for lunch and brought greetings from the Province and City of Regina respectively.

I’d also like to thank our presenters. Dr. Tim Foran and Catherine O’Sullivan who provided an update on what’s been happening at the Canadian Museum of History as they transition from the Canadian Museum of Civilization. They spoke about the Virtual Museum of Canada, including the Community Memories Program, the new Canadian History Museum Network and the new Canadian History Hall project at the CMH.

Our third presenter was Morse’s own Heather Dunn who provided an update on the changes underway at the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) as a result of the transfer of the Virtual Museum of Canada to the Canadian Museum of History. CHIN’s current projects are the modernization of Artefacts Canada – Canada’s online artefact catalogue, nomenclature 4.0 and the transformation of CHIN’s website.

To my wonderful staff Brenda, Ele, May-Lin and Dan a very special thank-you for working so hard behind the scenes to make this mini-conference such a success. You are the best!

Here’s to an even bigger success next year in Prince Albert – see you all there!

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