Looking for ways to improve your knowledge and skills in community engagement? Want to know more about partnerships and public outreach?
Our Museums and Community course can help — and for the first time, it’s available online. This means you can do the course activities from home in your spare time, and avoid the trouble and expense of travelling. You’ll also get credit towards your Certificate in Community Museum Studies.
Museums in the Community

Our museums are stewards of our heritage, but they’re also a vital part of our living communities. As community changes, museums have to change along with them, or risk becoming less relevant.
In this course, you’ll learn skills and share ideas around determining community and audience needs, working with diverse groups, and developing a community engagement plan—the things you need to remain or become a cultural and social hub.
Online Learning

Museums and Community is the second course from our Certificate Program that we’ve adapted for online delivery.
Learning online is easy and convenient. After you register, you’ll receive a username and password. You’ll find MAS’s online learning site at elearning.saskmuseums.org. Click the Login link at the top right, enter your username and password, and you’ll have full access to the course.
If you run into any technical glitches, we’re here to help. Call Dan, our Professional Development Coordinator, at 306-780-9241 or email [email protected]. He’s in the office from 8 to 4, Monday to Friday, and he’ll be happy to assist you.
How to Register
The course starts on February 18, and runs for about a month. The final assignment (required for you to receive course credit towards the certificate) is due six weeks later.
Cost: $60 for members, $80 for non-members, $40 for students.
To register, call 1-866-568-7386, fill out the registration form on our winter education calendar.