Explore what this amazing seven building complex has to offer!  As you enter the new main building – you are welcomed by the big Brontothere, collection of wild birds and animals. Continuing to your right see Cory Jones (a self-taught Palaeontologist) collection of dinosaur bones, you will tour through history from early years to present as you wonder through the displays – continue out the back door to view the Tie Rail Ranch Log house that was built in 1909.  Don’t forget to see the Homesteader’s Shack, the Benison Building with Veteran’s Room or the Machine Shed that includes a 1903 Case steam Engine, a 1927 Federal Truck and so much more!
Entering back into main building, stop to honor our fallen soldier in the 2nd World War, who was buried in an unmarked German grave, after years searching his nephew located his body and brought him back to Eastend cemetery.
Operating Season
May – October
Tuesday – Sunday from 10:00am – 5:00pm
Tours available other hours phone 306 295-7553 or 306 295-3670.