Equipment Loans

MAS maintains a variety of equipment kits available to loan to our members. These kits have been developed to assist members with protecting, preserving, and documenting collections, and facilitate the delivery of programs or events. Equipment available include environmental monitors, scanners, microphones, and audio/video recorders.

The borrowing of materials from the Equipment Loan Program is free of charge to MAS Members. Individuals wishing to borrow materials must be associated with the member institution.

Equipment may be picked up at the MAS office, arrangements made for drop off (if applicable), or kit(s) to be shipped by MAS (one-way shipping at no charge to the Borrowing Institution).

The borrower must make arrangements for drop off, delivery, or shipment upon the return due date of the Equipment Loan Agreement. The borrower is responsible for paying for return shipping costs and the insurance with postage of the valued amount noted on the “Terms of Agreement” (Section E) of the Equipment Loan Agreement.

Borrowing Institutions will be responsible for the cost of replacement of lost or damaged material, including cords and accessories included in the loan material list.

* Allow a 2 week period to process equipment requests.

Equipment List

of available equipment

Request Equipment

online form

Environmental Monitoring Equipment Loan Program

MAS has two Elsec 765C and two HOBO UX100-23A external sensor monitors. The Elsec monitors and records the relative humidity, temperature, UV and visible light. The HOBO will monitor and record relative humidity and temperature.

The Maximum Period of Loan for Environmental Monitoring Equipment will be determined at the time of loan.

Questions? Contact [email protected], (306)-780-9279