Board Member Experiences #2

Throughout the next few months members of the Board will be sharing testimonials about their experiences serving on the MAS Board. Here are messages from Rhonda Lamb and Chad Debert. Rhonda Lamb I

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Board Member Experiences

Throughout the next few months members of the Board will be sharing testimonials about their experiences serving on the MAS Board. Here are messages from Crystal Craig, President of the Board and Yvonne

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CMA – Exclusive Insurance Program

Members of CMA are eligible to benefit from the power of group purchasing and participate in an insurance program specifically tailored to address your particular risk protection needs. Marsh Canada Limited is proud

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Blog Contest!

Subscribe to our blog and you will be entered in to win a gift basket of local Saskatchewan-made goodies! Contest deadline: September 30, 2013. By subscribing, new blog posts will be automatically emailed directy

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CMA Conference 2013

Not long ago – the last week of May to be exact, I was enjoying the hospitality of Whitehorse, Yukon attending the annual Canadian Museums Association Conference along with our new President Crystal

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Staff Profile: Ele Radbourne

Before Ele started at the Museums Association of Saskatchewan, she had an image of the place she’d work next. “Behind a desk, with big windows beside me, greeting people, doing paperwork,” she said.

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